
Why shouldn't Babies Eat Honey? | Babies Eat Honey

"Why Shouldn’t Babies Eat Honey" Kids adore sweets (a fair portion of children, at least). Only one sweet is forbidden explicitly for the smaller and younger members of that group: honey.


"Why Shouldn’t Babies Eat Honey" Kids adore sweets (a fair portion of children, at least). Only one sweet is forbidden explicitly for the smaller and younger members of that group: honey. One of many international medical organizations that agrees that love shouldn't be given to infants younger than 12 months old is the World Health Organization. This holds whether honey is added to the formula, used to treat teething, or used to sweeten food. But why can't infants consume honey?

Babies' developing microbiomes—the collection of microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea, that live inside and on humans and help regulate diet and impact many bodily functions—are the root of the problem with honey consumption. The bacteria in infants' guts are not yet mature enough to prevent some harmful bacteria from infecting the body before they turn one year old. In addition to causing infant botulism, the potentially deadly bacterium Clostridium botulinum is frequently found in raw and processed honey. Up to 25% of honey products have been found to contain that bacterium's spores, according to a 1998 study.

Why Shouldn’t Babies Eat Honey

The signs of infant botulism can be frightening. They include possible respiratory failure and a child appearing limp and unable to move their arms or legs due to a weakening of the muscles. However, the illness has no long-term effects, and treatments for life-threatening symptoms are readily available in severe cases. After receiving an antitoxin, most patients recover quickly, but the best way to prevent infection is to steer clear of the leading cause: honey.

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